Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction) Las Vegas

Introduction to Male Breast Reduction Surgery
At our award-winning plastic surgery practice in Las Vegas, male breast reduction is our most popular procedure performed for male patients. The scientific term, gynecomastia, is used to explain the presence of enlarged breasts in a male. This condition can produce a chest that looks more feminine due to the increase of growing breast tissue. Many times, gynecomastia is related to an unknown hormonal problem. It may also be caused by certain medications, steroids, or weight gain, or it can be hereditary. Men with this condition often feel embarrassed, most commonly in situations where the chest is exposed, such as at the beach, pool, or the gym. Las Vegas, NV plastic surgeon Dr. Chris Costa performs surgical breast reduction for men who suffer from gynecomastia. This surgery does have a high success rate. It is known as one of the more common cosmetic treatments for men at Platinum Plastic Surgery.

What is Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia most often develops in men when there is an imbalance level in the hormones. In some cases, gynecomastia can be connected to the use of androgens and anabolic steroids and it can also be triggered by some medical conditions (hyperthyroidism, hypogonadism, and tumors). Some medications have also been linked to gynecomastia. During your consultation, a medical history will be taken so that Dr. Costa can have better insight as to why the condition has occurred and the best course of treatment to correct it. Gynecomastia occurs in men when there is an overgrowth of breast tissue in the chest, which can cause swelling, tenderness, and pain. Some patients might have pseudogynecomastia (false gynecomastia), so Dr. Costa suggests patients lose weight by following an exercise plan and a healthy diet before considering surgery. If you have excess breast tissue when you are at a healthy weight, Dr. Costa will perform a physical exam and order diagnostic tests. This might include a mammogram, blood tests, or a biopsy to look for other causes, like an infection of the breast tissue (mastitis) or cancer.
Who are the Best Candidates for Gynecomastia Surgery?
Male breast reduction treatment is reserved for men with overly sized breasts that cannot be treated through medications or diet. If you are embarrassed by the size and shape of your chest (but you’re otherwise healthy and at a normal weight), you could benefit from male breast reduction surgery by Dr. Costa at Platinum Plastic Surgery. Adolescent teens may also attain positive results from gynecomastia treatment; however, an additional procedure may be needed later as an adult if excess breast tissue continues to develop. During your initial consultation with Dr. Costa, treatment considerations will be provided, including the chances of moving forward with surgery to correct the condition.
What are the Benefits of Male Breast Reduction Surgery?
As one of the leading male breast reduction practices in Las Vegas, we’ve had the advantage of helping men gain confidence and get the chest of their dreams for several years now. Below, we’ve included some of the benefits we’ve seen firsthand in our patients.
- Male breast reduction surgery can give you the pecks and chest you’ve always dreamed of
- Provide more self-confidence in the way you look, especially when shirtless at the pool
- Fit better in slim-fitting shirts that highlight the chest
What’s the First Step?
The first step to getting a male breast reduction in Las Vegas with Dr. Costa is to book a consultation. Dr. Costa will want to meet with you in his office, answer your questions, provide a thorough assessment of the chest, and give you his expert recommendations. If you and Dr. Costa both feel that this is the best solution for your needs, surgery will be booked. Dr. Costa will have specific questions on diet & exercise as well as medications being taken and past surgeries.
Pro-tip, gentlemen, be open with Dr. Costa about not only your medical history but also your goals. Good communication will lead to optimal results!

What to Expect on the Day of Male Breast Reduction Surgery
A form of liposuction is usually utilized during male breast reduction surgery. A newer liposuction technique helps eliminate excess fat tissue from the internal chest region. Afterward, any lax skin will be carefully removed to produce a taut look, and then (for men with excessive breast tissue removal) the nipple area and surrounding areola may be surgically reshaped and placed into a proportionate position. For most men, this treatment strategy requires an incision in proximity to where the glandular tissue has formed. After the pockets of fat and excess skin have been appropriately addressed, Dr. Costa will tighten the remaining skin and ensure a smooth, natural-looking result has been attained.

Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery
After your gynecomastia surgery, the chest will be wrapped with a compression bandage to help minimize swelling, bleeding, and bruising. For complex cases where a more intricate approach was used, a small tube for draining may be properly positioned to help with fluid. The outcomes following this procedure are almost immediately visible and most men are extremely excited about the cosmetic enhancement. Any incisions made during surgery take time to heal and any scars left behind are barely seen. With your new, masculine-appearing chest, you may get medical clearance from Dr. Costa to incorporate exercise and weight training, which will help accentuate the surgical results.
Why Choose Dr. Costa?
As a male plastic surgeon, Dr. Costa truly understands the anatomy of a guy’s body. Dr. Costa is at a perfect stage in his career where he is young enough to understand modern trends but experienced enough to have a proven track record of helping men for several years achieve the chest they’ve always wanted. Dr. Costa is a board-certified plastic surgeon and a proud member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

How Much Does Gynecomastia Surgery in Las Vegas, NV?
The cost of Gynecomastia Surgery in Las Vegas, NV will vary on several factors. The best way to get the most accurate cost will be to schedule a consultation with Dr. Costa. During your appointment, you will be able to get a further explanation of the procedure and receive a full breakdown of the costs.
Schedule Your Consultation
Our Las Vegas male breast reduction patients find that surgery greatly benefits their lives, providing way more self-confidence in the way they look, especially when shirtless. If you’d like to schedule a consultation, please contact us today. We look forward to helping you achieve the chest of your dreams!
Male Breast Reduction FAQs
Can Gynecomastia be treated with exercise or pills?
Male breast reduction surgery is the most effective treatment for gynecomastia. Currently, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) hasn't approved any medications for the treatment of gynecomastia. Although they aren't approved for gynecomastia, a few breast cancer medications (Raloxifene or Tamoxifen) might give you minimal improvements. Upper body weight training to increase the pectoral muscles will not reduce the excess breast tissue and could even make the breasts look larger.
Will this fix puffy or pointy nipples?
Puffy or pointy nipples may be caused by glandular gynecomastia. If you are concerned about this, be sure to tell Dr. Costa at your consultation. He will personalize your surgical plan to select the best incision pattern and technique to improve your nipples. Oversized areolas may also be corrected in surgery for gynecomastia. It is crucial to be honest with Dr. Costa about all of your concerns during your initial consultation so he can make sure the treatment plan achieves the best outcome.
Can man boobs grow back after surgery?
While Gynecomastia Surgery is designed to have long-lasting results, excessive weight gain, steroid or drug use, and hormone inflections can create a recurrence of “man boobs”. Dr. Costa highly encourages you to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle following your surgery to maintain the results.
Will there be noticeable scarring?
Dr. Costa is proud of his ability to hide any incisions in the natural folds of your skin, however anytime you undergo surgery, scarring will be a result. Any scarring that does occur will fade over time.
Can I combine Gynecomastia Surgery with other procedures?
Many of Dr. Costa’s patients choose to combine their Gynecomastia surgery with tummy tuck, Fat Transfer, or Liposuction, among other procedures. If you are interested in having additional work performed, please discuss this with Dr. Costa during your consultation.
What are the risks associated with Gynecomastia Surgery?
Although rare under Dr. Costa’s skillful hands, there are some risks associated with Gynecomastia Surgery, such as:
- Allergic Reactions
- Anesthesia Reactions
- Bleeding (hematoma)
- Blood Clots
- Breast Asymmetry
- Breast Contour and Shape Irregularities
- Cardiac/ Pulmonary Complications
- Changes in Nipple or Breast Sensation (temporary or permanent)
- Damage to deeper structures (i.e. nerves, blood vessels, muscles, and lungs – can be temporary or permanent)
- Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Fat Necrosis
- Fluid Accumulation (seroma)
- Infection
- Persistent Pain
- Poor wound healing
- Possibility of revision surgery
- Unfavorable scarring